Facebook launches a new Education Platform named “Educator Hub”
On Monday, 17 August, Facebook launched an online education platform named Educator Hub that helps teachers find and also build their online community. The platform also lets teachers discover resources for the classroom and beyond as education institutes reopen. As we all know that Coronavirus has changed every aspect of our life including the education sector.
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Due to the lockdown all around the world, a different method of educating the children came forward. The education system was shifted to virtual classes for students rather than coming to school to attend the classes. And in this way, they were assessed for their progress in learning. But now as people are coming back to their normal routines and living their lives knowing that Coronavirus’s cure hasn’t been found, adoption of relevant SOPs for kids going back to school is also being observed and practiced.
How will Educator Hub help Students and Teachers?
In order to help students, parents, and teachers Facebook has come up with a very good solution. It has launched a resource center Educator Hub. The basic motive of this platform is to improve learning outcomes, teaching various methods, and help them with lesson plans. Apart from that, Facebook-made Educator Hub also majorly focuses on the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. And it has different sections that deal with teacher connectivity, anxiety issues and mental health, etc.
Facebook talks about the platform in its blog post;
The back-to-school season looks different this year due to COVID-19. Parents, teachers, and students around the world are facing a myriad of challenges. From remote teaching and learning, balancing work and home responsibilities, and most importantly, maintaining the safety and well-being of all involved. That’s why we’re launching an Educator Hub to support teachers and provide resources across our apps to help people navigate the new school year. Stay connected and take care of each other.

Moreover, Educator Hub includes information and guides from relevant organizations to create an inclusive environment. These guides and information help teachers in having important conversations with students about racial injustice. Facebook said;
We’re also sharing Anti-Racism Guides on Instagram to help foster a more inclusive and respectful community. We’ll also provide access to informative and inspiring content through this platform.
This Platform will help students Tackle Mental Health Issues
Educator Hub includes conversation starters, activities, lesson plans, videos, and other effective tools to help students develop skills needed to pace up with today’s digital world. This platform, according to Facebook will also help teachers to connect with other teachers and find support from different communities online. Facebook added;
Also read: Following are the SOPs for Schools in Punjab
On Instagram, we’re sharing mental health and anti-bullying guides to help educators, parents, and students manage stress and maintain a positive environment this school year. The guides in Facebook Educator Hub will offer wellness tips to support people’s mental health in the classroom and beyond.
Via: Mashable Pakistan