Codematics Launched the First-ever COVID-19 Map Pakistan that Tracks Corona Spreading
The number of Coronavirus cases are constantly increasing in Pakistan, and around the world. Different companies and research institutes are working on solutions to help the fight against the spread of COVID-19. This is also necessary because such a platform would be of the great demand for the Government of Pakistan in order to make informed decisions. The latest attempt being; Visual Mapping through Self Report. A Pakistani company named Codematics has created an online platform named “COVID-19 Map Pakistan (CMP)” that will help in tracking the progression of the dangerous pandemic in Pakistan.
The world is at war with an enemy it can’t see. Fighting against an enemy you can’t ‘Visualize’ is nearly impossible. COVID-19 Map Pakistan is a strike at the virus’s biggest strength; Invisibility! It will help visualize the virus in the form of data that can be used by the government to allocate necessary resources and make informed decisions.
Read: A Pakistani Scientist Jamil Sheikh has invented 5-Minutes Coronavirus Testing Kit
What is COVID-19 and Why is it so Dangerous?
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. It spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge of air particles from the nose due to coughs or sneezes. Because of being highly contagious, Coronavirus has killed more than 51,000 and infected more than one million people worldwide in the past four months.
This virus has spread in more than 180 countries and continues to spread while every country fights to flatten the curve. It has also spread all over Pakistan, infecting more than 2,400 people and causing deaths of 35 people so far. The cases of Coronavirus are still increasing day by day. In such a situation, there must be necessary steps taken to lessen the spread, otherwise, it will be really hard to control later. COVID-19 Map Pakistan has the ability to contain the spread and help win the fight against Coronavirus.
How Does COVID-19 Map Pakistan Work?
CMP collects data from all over Pakistan self-reported by people. The data received is completely anonymous and your report simply becomes a dot on the map. Dots are color-coded so the more the dots, the more the clarity. The more people self-report, the better it gets.
You can fill the form here:

The map divides people based on their health conditions. Different colored dots on the map indicate Healthy, Other Diseases, COVID-19 (Probable), COVID-19 (Tested), Recovered, and Recovered (Tested) people across the country.
Also read: Pakistani University NUST has developed Coronavirus Kits Costing just $13
Giving shape to it so that it can be killed. Imagine throwing a handful of dust at an enemy wearing an invisibility cloak. A handful of dust from a single person won’t do much, but a handful of dust from EVERY single person? We get a sandstorm! We will be able to see the enemy. All with a humble fistful of dust…
It took a week of hard work with a sense of real urgency, stress and sleepless nights but finally, they have managed to pull it off. Although there is still a long ways to go and a lot of hard work still to do, but;
Here is the team that made it possible under the severe limitations of Time.
- Syed Abdul Basir (BI Consultant Blutech Consultanting a company of Jaffer Brothers)
- Malik Ahsan Ali (Founder/MD-Codematics)
- Waseem Javed (Co-Founder/DBD-Codematics)
- Hammad Lodhi (Co-Founder/CEO-Codematics)
- Umair Saeed Mughal (CTO-Codematics)
- Waqar Khan (Lead Web Developer)
- Babar Ali Shah (Web Developer)
- Ihsan Ullah (Project Manager|iOS Developer)
- Saddam Shadab (Lead Ui/UX Graphics Designer)
- Sufyan Javed (Content Writer)
- Ayesha Khan (Content Writer|Digital Marketer)
- Junaid Mir (Digital Marketer)
- Anbar Rauf (Social Media Designer)
How Effective will the COVID-19 Map Pakistan be?
This online platform that has been launched will help the doctors, healthcare professionals, and government officials by collecting information regarding the health of people from all over Pakistan. We all know that medical resources like testing kits, masks, sanitizers, and ventilators are very limited all around the world due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak, this initiative will help a lot in identifying regions where the spread is increasing, so that these medical resources can reach there as soon as possible.
This is an awesome initiative because it will help the government to make effective decisions for the spread of the COVID-19 to decrease and also will help to flatten the Coronavirus curve. But this is only possible if all the people living in Pakistan take part in filling the self-report form. Also, the online platform says on its website that the data you share in the form is secured and is not shared with anyone else. So make sure that you share it with your friends and family. In this way, we can gather as much regional data as possible. With time, more the data will be collected, the better the map will look for further informed decisions. This all will happen only if the citizens of Pakistan consider this serious and play their important role in filling the self-report form.
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The COVID-19 Map Pakistan just launched is in its initial stage. Developers (Front-end, Back-end, Python), GCP cloud architects, Privacy experts, Doctors, Epidemiologists, Academic Researchers, Social Media Managers, Journalists, Media Representatives, Govt./Private health organizations and contributors from all over Pakistan are encouraged to add their efforts to this National cause and help save lives. Any suggestions are more than welcome.
What the team has to say?
The team members of Codematics who worked tirelessly day and night for this to happen also have a few words to say. They are;
“We are trying to play our part in helping our Government authorities and health departments so that they can make well informed, calculated, and quick decisions against this rapidly spreading pandemic in Pakistan. We are open to any suggestions or contributions. Let’s together fight against COVID-19. May Allah Almighty protect us (Ameen). Stay Home, Stay Safe, Keep Praying, and don’t forget to submit your report. Thanks!”
Hammad Lodhi CEO Codematics
Considering the limited resources of our country, I think it’s the responsibility of every Pakistani to work hard and play a positive role. The challenge is to flatten the curve, a way to reduce the speed of spread that is only possible if we make informed decisions based on accurate data. The COVID self-report is an effort to achieve this. It’s a national cause and we need experts’ input from every field to help us in achieving this.”
Abdul Basir, BI Consultant Blutech Consultanting a company of Jaffer Brothers
Being responsible citizens of Pakistan, it is our foremost duty in participating in any such activity that can in any terms lessen the spread of COVID-19 in our country. As we all know that the medical resources are very limited, we must self-report daily so that the areas where the medical help is needed the most shall be reached instantly.”
Ayesha Khan Content Writer and Digital Marketer at Codematics.
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