You can Now Play Ghost Recon Breakpoint for Free
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is an online shooter video game that is developed by Ubisoft Paris. The multiplayer game was released worldwide last year on 4th October for PCs, PS4, and Xbox One. Ubisoft now reveals that if you haven’t played Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint till now. Or didn’t get a chance to check it out during the free weekend that just ended. Don’t get upset because Ubisoft now says that you can play it without having to pay a heavy price.
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Friends Pass:
According to the tweet shared by Ubisoft, people who’ve already bought the game can invite up to three friends to join for co-op action through the friend pass till June 16th. It means that you can play Ghost Recon Breakpoint together even if you don’t own a copy of it.

To play the game, you all have to be on the same platform with at least the trial version of the game downloaded. It is also necessary to have the Xbox Live or PS Plus subscription to enter into the game together into the console.
Timed Trials for the Ghost Recon Breakpoint Game:
In a situation where you don’t know anyone who already has a copy, you can play the game for up to six hours for free. You will not be able to make use of the timed trial if you play the game during the free weekend. But your progress will carry over if you buy the game. If you play the game for six hours straight, you can play no more. But if let’s suppose, you play for three hours over the weekend, you can play for the remaining three hours at any time.
These offers of friends pass and timed trials arrive after the last week’s update. The update 2.0.0 brought a mission that features Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell to the tactical first-person shooter in the video game. The update also brought the long-waited immersive mode that all the players were asking for.
There’s more to come!
Ubisoft said in October that the early sales of this game and the Division 2 were quite disappointing. Also, it didn’t wait long enough between titles in both series for the latest games to perform better. This is why the publisher decided to delay many of the titles on its slate. It also makes sense that with a few scheduled release dates, Ubisoft is requesting more of the people to try its current game. The timed trial and friend pass is a solid example to do so.

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is available now for the PS4, PCs, and Xbox One platforms. Since its launch, Ubisoft is continuously rolling out updates to improve user experience. This above-mentioned Title Update 2.0.0 seems to serve as a game-changer. So what are you waiting for? Go and play together Ghost Recon Breakpoint with your friends and enjoy it! Also, in case you have any questions, let us know in the comments below!
Via: Engadget