Star Wars Battlefront 2 BB-8 Now Available – Here’s what we expect from it!
Star Wars Battlefront 2 has gained a massive increase in player activity and interest in the last year. The previous Rise of Skywalker update and now the BB-8 addition as a playable character tells us how far the Star Wars-themed multiplayer game has reached since its wobbly launch. The developer of the game, Dice has now removed its initial loot box mechanics that was a bit controversial. Furthermore, he added a ton of free characters, maps, and game modes into the game. As a result, these factors helped to regularly balance the game.
The players are giving the game a second chance since the developer has made all of these changes in the last two years. In March, the developer Dice is adding stuff to both the Coop and Supremacy modes of the game. Still, there are a number of features we expect from the game to come.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Additional Hero Outfits
One of the best features of Star Wars Battlefront 2 is playing as iconic characters from its franchise. The developer is releasing new hero skins based on the current Star Wars film at a great pace. But, there are still some heroes in the game with no alternate skins. Popular characters like Rey and Kylo Ren have received different skin styles but our all-time favorite like Darth and Maul only have their default outfit. Hopefully, Dice can focus on giving some non-sequel trilogy characters some love with the upcoming film hiatus.

Card Load-Outs
In Star Wars Battlefront 2, the power of several heroes and troopers can be increased by unlocking cards and leveling them up. Cards have different effects, from making the grenades blast range larger to increase the amount of heroes’ health. However, some classes have a bunch of cards but you can only equip three on any given unit at a time. Dice should implement a system where players can create and swap between different cards load-outs in a fly. This would do wonders for players who might need to change their character’s build in the middle of the match.

Additional Single-Player Content
I would love to see additional single-player content, even if it is a big ask. EA and Dice have said that they currently have no plans for Battlefront 3 to come soon. So, that is why it would be nice to see single-player stories coming to the game intermittently. Imagine having a small single-player story waiting for you each time you log in into the game. How stress-relieving will it be!
Star Wars Battlefront 2 More Trooper Customization
Since the launch of Star Wars Battlefront 2, Dice has added few trooper skins to the game. Most of the skins added to the game are for the Clone Troopers. However, there are no new skins for any other era since its launch. It would be great if players had more control over the appearance, clothing, and accessories of the troopers wearing. It would also add a lot more stuff like new belts, jackets, hairstyles, and pants into the game for the players to grind. Not only will it be great for player expression, but a great plus for long term replayability.
To sum up, these features mentioned above can eventually make it into Battlefront 2 at some point in 2020 or beyond. Is there any other feature that you would like to have in the game? Share it with us in the comments!
Via: Cnet